- Dissertations, Dissertation Proposals, Journal Articles, Book Chapters, Course Syllabi, Other Academic Products -

  • Developmental/Substantive Editing

    I conduct a line by line analysis of your writing with a focus on structure, coherence of thought, clear and appropriate use of language, content flow, and meaning. I also make recommendations regarding addition of text (addressing gaps in content); deletion of text (redundancies, unrelated or inaccurate content, etc.); and re-positioning of text/sections, as needed—for proper structure, organization, and clarification of content and its meaning.

  • Comprehensive Editing

    I incorporate copy editing within my editing process— simultaneously addressing vocabulary, grammar, punctuation, etc.

  • Method/Process
    I use “track changes” in MS Word, enabling you to review and make sense of my changes and recommendations. This process also provides you the opportunity to reject or accept any tracked changes. Further, I insert explanatory comments—from writing recommendations, to suggestions of additional resources, to instructive feedback (the former professor in me ;-).

  • Completion / Turn-Around Time
    Determined by manuscript length.

    • Dissertation chapters and proposals begin at 14 business days.

    • Journal articles, book chapters, etc. begin at 14 business days

    • Extensive, contracted projects or whole books begin at 30 business days

      *Scroll to the bottom of this page for information about editing services I provide for other written genres (non-academic) and for information on rates based on document type, length, and level of editing requested/needed.

Overall Editing Focus:

  • Overall structure of content.

  • Complete and clear sentence structure.

  • Proper use of language, punctuation, in-text citations.

  • Consistency of topics within paragraphs.

  • Coherency of thought and topic progression > from paragraph to paragraph and section to section = Flow of Content.

  • Overall organization and formatting of content per style guidelines.

  • Clarity of thought, communication of content, and meaning of content as represented in your writing.


  • Non-Fiction:
    Books, Book Chapters, Essays, Reports

  • Fiction:
    Adult Novels

  • Something else? Let’s talk about it!


  • Per Word Rates: 0.04 cents-0.05 cents per word
    - To be confirmed with each client specific to document/project type and depth of editing requested/needed.

  • Extensive Project/Book-Length Manuscript Rates: - To be addressed with each prospective client relative to the project/manuscript as a whole and length, and depth of editing requested/needed.

  • Open Link > EFA Editorial Rates Chart (April 2020)
    - The results of a more recent survey, conducted by the Editorial Freelancers Association, are being finalized and will be made available once published.